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Calling All Chocolatiers! Whipping Up Windows Automation with Chocolatey Central Management

Webinar from
Wednesday, 17 January 2024

We are delighted to announce the release of Chocolatey Central Management v0.12.0, featuring seamless Deployment Plan creation, time-saving duplications, insightful Group Details, an upgraded Dashboard, bug fixes, user interface polishing, and refined documentation. As an added bonus we'll have members of our Solutions Engineering team on-hand to dive into some interesting ways you can leverage the new features available!

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Chocolatey Community Coffee Break

Join the Chocolatey Team as we discuss all things Community, what we do, how you can get involved and answer your Chocolatey questions.

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Chocolatey and Intune Overview

Webinar Replay from
Wednesday, 30 March 2022

At Chocolatey Software we strive for simple, and teaching others. Let us teach you just how simple it could be to keep your 3rd party applications updated across your devices, all with Intune!

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Chocolatey For Business. In Azure. In One Click.

Livestream from
Thursday, 9 June 2022

Join James and Josh to show you how you can get the Chocolatey For Business recommended infrastructure and workflow, created, in Azure, in around 20 minutes.

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The Future of Chocolatey CLI

Livestream from
Thursday, 04 August 2022

Join Paul and Gary to hear more about the plans for the Chocolatey CLI in the not so distant future. We'll talk about some cool new features, long term asks from Customers and Community and how you can get involved!

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Hacktoberfest Tuesdays 2022

Livestreams from
October 2022

For Hacktoberfest, Chocolatey ran a livestream every Tuesday! Re-watch Cory, James, Gary, and Rain as they share knowledge on how to contribute to open-source projects such as Chocolatey CLI.

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Downloads of v


Last Update:

26 Feb 2024

Package Maintainer(s):

Software Author(s):

  • Alexander Steinhöfer


winmute windows utility audio


This is not the latest version of WinMute available.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3 | Updated: 26 Feb 2024



Downloads of v



Software Author(s):

  • Alexander Steinhöfer


This is not the latest version of WinMute available.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

This Package Contains an Exempted Check

Not All Tests Have Passed

Validation Testing Passed

Verification Testing Exemption:

Dependent package is currently failing.


Scan Testing Successful:

No detections found in any package files

Learn More

Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall

To install WinMute, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:


To upgrade WinMute, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:


To uninstall WinMute, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:


Deployment Method:


This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.

1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url

(this should look similar to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/)

2. Setup Your Environment

1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment

Please see the organizational deployment guide

2. Get the package into your environment

  • Open Source or Commercial:
    • Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/. Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
    • You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download

3. Copy Your Script

choco upgrade winmute -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="''" [other options]

See options you can pass to upgrade.

See best practices for scripting.

Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.

If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:

choco upgrade winmute -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="''" 

Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
  Exit 0

Exit $exitCode

- name: Install winmute
    name: winmute
    version: ''
    state: present

See docs at https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/win_chocolatey_module.html.

chocolatey_package 'winmute' do
  action    :install
  source   'INTERNAL REPO URL'
  version  ''

See docs at https://docs.chef.io/resource_chocolatey_package.html.

cChocoPackageInstaller winmute
    Name     = "winmute"
    Version  = ""
    Source   = "INTERNAL REPO URL"

Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at https://github.com/chocolatey/cChoco.

package { 'winmute':
  ensure   => '',
  provider => 'chocolatey',
  source   => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',

Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/chocolatey.

4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation

See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.

Package Approved

This package was approved as a trusted package on 26 Feb 2024.


WinMute automatically mutes your PC volume if you lock your screen or the screensaver is running.

Stop-Process -Name WinMute
Stop-Process -Name WinMute
Remove-Item "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\lx-systems\WinMute"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "LX-Systems WinMute"

Powershell> Get-ChildItem | Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 | Format-List

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash      : 9D7577D389808853947ECA83BA08D6D46A206859AD0ED28F95D38F6F8F4C850E
Path      : changelog.txt

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash      : 9CCE14785CE3BE2620072AB6460CF727A5684809781CC9A11A24301E0E87B574
Path      : license.txt

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash      : FC28DCBC89FD451D439FEE3171E4705E7EF3327DDE716E72A55F3B2299FC056F
Path      : liesmich.html

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash      : 6B0B9149FF44EC42499CDCEFD762270CCB913D4D3413A61441B00F53B1656B7C
Path      : readme.html

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash      : A4211BF558937DEFB0B9BF7820C8538A583B8CF48AD3A1FB7FAB585979F4093E
Path      : ScreensaverNotify.dll

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash      : D0BFB57B3371BB8164D65D10EC3E85B5939A8FD321CE42B875FE7D453B81DBFC
Path      : ScreensaverNotify32.dll

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash      : 130BF27A204A14E4923E619CDDA7900D02F21EBDB6D9B0FE57730942D8B1884D
Path      : ScreensaverProxy32.exe

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash      : BC020A4675F2A05F602329AAD93C7FCF95F2BFB178177E7C44536C08BDE1BBD2
Path      : WinMute.exe

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash      : E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855
Path      : WinMute.exe.gui
md5: 2AEBBE87857A5F59B1357F7AE0CC73D0 | sha1: 06952A38D217E47D70CC78DE3B81D4AF03F34862 | sha256: B4B803400E0B60475624F4CF93009861FC704554F00C18258A01AF2C0D3C8F2B | sha512: 54BEBBC6209E804E229FD1F5DA5FFB5F35FC8978C4FBDDA56B32C5564AD6D786CD88925084E4AD01656E441E4113D5C5C31A2F724E73F419079A1FE15FEB5662
Version (2024-02-26)
 * Fixed update-check file for chocolatey package manager

Version 2.5.0 (2024-02-06)
 * WinMute now supports multiple languages!
   If your language is missing, and you want to contribute, please check
   the WinMute GitHub project.
   Thanks goes out for @bovirus for suggesting this feature, helping out with
   the italian language version and providing help and feedback throughout
   the implementation.
 * The following languages are available
   - German
   - English
   - Spanish
   - Italian
   - Dutch (partially)
 * Optional update notification (disabled for installations via package manager)
 * Some small bugfixes

Version 2.4.9-Pre (2023-12-19)
 * Pre-Release for 2.5.0

Version 2.4.1 (2023-09-29)
 * Fixes crash on signout and shutdown

Version 2.4.0 (2023-09-22)
 * Added the option to delay muting by a configurable amount of seconds.

Version 2.3.1 (2023-07-27)
 * Fixed annoying error message when the Windows registry key "SystemUsesLightTheme" is not present.

Version 2.3.0 (2023-04-25)
 * Added function to only mute specific endpoints
   * As is good tradition, also added a switch to NOT mute specific endpoints
 * Fixed a problem that WinMute never unmutes, when the PC bootet during quiet hours.
 * Fixed bluetooth muting description
 * Changed SetCoalescableTimer to SetTimer, so WinMute can run under Windows 7.
   Please note that Windows 7 is nevertheless not supported any more.

Version 2.2.0 (2022-11-28)
 * Removed screensaver detection as it caused problems with
   anti-cheat software of current games (e.g. Overwatch 2, Darktide).

Version 2.1.2 (2022-08-25)
 * Changed bluetooth detection logic, so that muting
   the workstation doesn't happen, when scanning for new
 * Fixed crash when connectiong via remote desktop
 * Show log-file path in settings UI
 * Enhanced logging

Version 2.1.1 (2022-08-03)
 * Improved UI when WLAN or Bluetooth is not available
 * Added a 5 second delay before unmuting the workstation,
   when a bluetooth device reconnects. This should prevent
   music blasting out of your pc, when the device is connected,
   but the audio endpoint has not been changed yet.
 * Integrated Bluetooth muting into overall mute logic, so that
   the workstation is not unmuted, when it is locked but an audio
   Bluetooth device reconnects.

Version 2.1.0 (2022-08-02)
 * Added new feature to mute workstation when an bluetooth audio device
   disconnects (and re-enable audio if it reconnects)
 * Fixed saving of SSID-lists
 * Fixed some spelling errors

Version 2.0.0 (2022-05-01)
 * WinMute now mutes all audio endpoints and not just the default endpoint.
   It also stores all endpoint states and restores them if the appropriate
   option is set.
 * Reworked mute detection logic. This should fix timing errors, e.g. when
   screensaver with screenlock is active.
 * WinMute can now mute your computer when it is connected (alternatively
   when it is _not_ connected) to a particular wireless network.
 * Added detection for display standby
 * Added detection for RDP sessions
 * Added autostart option (no more fiddling with the Startup-folder)
 * Added Hi-DPI awareness
 * Added tray icon for bright system theme
 * UI Rework (New settings and about dialogue)
 * Various fixes and improvements
 * Updated project to VS 2022

Version 1.6.0 (2020-12-18)
 * Added "Quiet Hours": A time frame where WinMute automatically
   mutes and afterwards unmutes your workstation.
 * Added proxy process to recognize screensaver startup when
   the current foreground application is a 32-bit application
 * Removed 32-bit build.

Version 1.5.0 (2020-06-29)
 * Added support for mute on suspend, shutdown and logout
   Automatic audio-restore is disabled for these events.

Version 1.4.6 (2020-04-24)
 * Compiled with spectre migitations... just 'cause
 * Added "Support"-Link to About dialog
 * Small menu redesign.

Version 1.4.5 (2019-09-04)
 * Fixed crash when all audio endpoints are removed while the program is running
   (might happen, when connecting to your PC via RDP).
 * Upgraded compiler toolset to VS2019

Version 1.4.4 (2017-08-14)
 * New, simpler icon
 * System notification area icon is now white, to fit better with
   with windows' default icons
 * Upgraded compiler toolset to VS2017

Version 1.4.3 (2016-08-11)
 * Maintenance release, no new features
 * Upgraded to new compiler toolset
 * Removed Windows XP as I can also no longer test it and as Visual Studio 2015
   no longer supports this platform.
 * Use more modern UI elements

Version 1.4.1/1.4.2 (2014-07-17)
 * Fixed screensaver muting: It sometimes happened that WinMute
   muted Windows Audio for no apparent reason and "forgot" to
   unmute. This is now fixed.

Version 1.4 (2014-07-10)
 * WinMute can now also mute if the screensaver starts
   Due to windows restrictions, unmuting the audio can take up to one second
   after the screensaver resumes.
 * Added a toggle switch to configure if WinMute should unmute at all after
   a workstation lock or a screensaver run

Version 1.3 (2012-02-23)
 * Right-click menu is now correctly dismissed if the user clicks somewhere
   outside of the menu.
 * Embedded Visual C++ 2010 DLLs. This increases file size by about 100kb, but
   enables the usage of this tool in workplaces that do not have deployed the
   Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Environment yet.
 * Vista/7/8: Correctly mute the new device, if the default audio endpoint
 * XP: Greatly improved hardware detection code. WinMute now mutes all devices,
   instead of just setting the volume of the first device it finds to zero.
   If the Mute-Button is locked via Group Policies, WinMute will try to
   use the Volume Slider to "emulate" sound muting.
 * XP: Actively tries to prevent other programs from unmuting the system.

Version 1.2 (2011-05-30)
 * Fixed a bug where WinMute could malfunction if the audio
   device was changed or disconnected during a windows session.

Version 0.0 - 1.1
 * These documents have been lost forever...
           Copyright (C) 2024 Alexander Steinhoefer

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

    * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may
      be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
      without specific prior written permission.

    "meta.lang.name": "Deutsch (German)",
    "meta.lang.mode": "ltr",
    "init.error.settings.title": "Fehler beim Initialisieren",
    "init.error.settings.text": "Kritischer Fehler beim Initialisieren von WinMute",
    "init.error.already-running.title": "WinMute läuft bereits",
    "init.error.already-running.text": "Bitte halten Sie ausschau nach einem weißen Lautsprechersymbol im Symbolbereich der Taskleiste.",
    "init.error.winmute.title": "Fehler beim Starten von WinMute.",
    "init.error.winmute.text": "Ein kritischer Fehler trat beim starten von WinMute auf. Das Programm muss beendet werden.",
    "init.error.winmute.platform-support.title": "Nur Windows Vista and neuer werden unterstützt",
    "init.error.winmute.platform-support.text": "Für Windows XP Unterstützung, kann WinMute in der Version 1.4.2 oder älter installiert werden.",
    "general.error.winapi.text": "{} fehlgeschlagen mit Fehler {}: {}",
    "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.title": "Der Audioservice wurde beendet.",
    "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.text": "WinMute kann diese Situation nicht Beheben. Bitte starten Sie das Programm neu.",
    "popup.remote-session-detected.title": "Remote Session festgestellt",
    "popup.remote-session-detected.text": "Alle Audiogeräte wurden stumm geschaltet",
    "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.title": "Bluetooth-Stummschalten deaktiviert",
    "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.text": "Bluetooth ist nicht verfügbar oder deaktiviert.\nDas Bluetooth-abhängige Stummschalten wurde deaktiviert.",
    "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.title": "WLAN-Stummschalten deaktiviert",
    "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.text": "WLAN ist nicht verfügbar oder deaktiviert.\nDas WLAN-abhängige Stummschalten wurde deaktiviert.",
    "popup.quiet-hours-started.title": "Die Ruhezeit hat begonnen",
    "popup.quiet-hours-started.text": "Der Computer wird stumm geschaltet.",
    "popup.quiet-hours-ended.title": "Ruhezeit vorbei",
    "popup.quiet-hours-ended.text": "Audiopegel wurden wiederhergestellt.",
    "popup.workstation-muted.title": "Computer stummgeschaltet",
    "popup.wlan-not-on-mute-list.text": "WLAN-Netzwerk \"{}\" ist nicht auf der Erlaubt-Liste.",
    "popup.wlan-is-on-mute-list.text": "WLAN-Netzwerknetwork \"{}\" wurde für das automatische Stummschalten konfiguriert.",
    "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.title": "Verzögertes Stummschalten des Computers",
    "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.text": "Alle Audiogeräte wurden stummgeschaltet",
    "popup.volume-restored.title": "Lautstärke wiederhergestellt",
    "popup.volume-restored.text": "Die Lautstärkepegel aller Audiogeräte wurden wiederhergestellt",
    "popup.muting-workstation.title": "Stummschalten des Computers",
    "popup.muting-workstation.text": "Alle Audiogeräte wurden stumm geschaltet",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.title": "Beginn der Ruhzeit",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.text": "Fehler beim Registrieren des Windows-Timers für den Ruhezeit-Beginn",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.title": "Ende der Ruhezeit",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.text": "Fehler beim Registrieren des Windows-Timers für das Ruhezeit-Ende",
    "traymenu.info": "Info",
    "traymenu.mute-when": "Stummschalten sobald...",
    "traymenu.mute-on-lock": "... PC gesperrt wird",
    "traymenu.mute-on-screen-suspend": "... Bildschirm standby",
    "traymenu.restore-volume": "Lautstärke wiederherstellen",
    "traymenu.mute-no-restore": "Stummschalten ohne Wiederherstellung...",
    "traymenu.mute-on-shutdown": "... Herunterfahren",
    "traymenu.mute-on-sleep": "... Standby",
    "traymenu.mute-on-logout": "... Ausloggen",
    "traymenu.mute-all-devices": "Alle Geräte stummschalten",
    "traymenu.settings": "Einstellungen...",
    "traymenu.exit": "Beenden",
    "settings.title": "Einstellungen",
    "settings.btn-save": "Speichern",
    "settings.btn-cancel": "Abbrechen",
    "settings.btn-add": "Hinzufügen",
    "settings.btn-edit": "Bearbeiten",
    "settings.btn-remove": "Entfernen",
    "settings.btn-remove-all": "Alle entfernen",
    "settings.tab.general": "Allgemein",
    "settings.tab.mute": "Stummschalten",
    "settings.tab.quiet-hours": "Ruhezeit",
    "settings.tab.bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
    "settings.tab.wifi": "WLAN",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.add-title": "Bluetooth-Gerät hinzufügen",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.edit-title": "Bluetooth-Gerät bearbeiten",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.device-name-label": "Bluetooth Gerätename:",
    "settings.general.run-on-startup": "WinMute mit Windows starten",
    "settings.general.enable-logging": "Protokollierung aktivieren",
    "settings.general.btn-open-log-file": "Protokolldatei öffnen...",
    "settings.general.select-language-label": "Sprache",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "Bitte geben Sie einen Gerätenamen an",
    "settings.bluetooth.description": "\"Bluetooth Muting\" aktiviert das Stummschalten des PCs sobald ein Bluetooth-Audiogerät vom PC getrennt wird und hebt die Stummschaltung auf, sobald es wieder verbunden wird.\n\nDieses Verhalten kann für alle oder nur bestimmte Bluetooth-Geräte aktiviert werden.",
    "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting": "\"Bluetooth Stummschalten\" aktivieren",
    "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting-filter": "Nur für die folgenden Geräte aktivieren:",
    "settings.bluetooth-disabled-info": "Info: Bluetooth ist auf diesem Gerät nicht verfügbar.\nEinige Optionen wurden deaktiviert.",
    "settings.mute.general-title": "Allgemein",
    "settings.mute.show-mute-event-notifications": "Zeige Benachrichtigungen an",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints-individually": "Verwalte Audiogeräte individuell",
    "settings.mute.btn-manage-endpoints": "Audiogeräte verwalten...",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.title": "Stummschalten mit Lautstärkewiederherstellung, wenn...",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-workstation-is-locked": "... der PC gesperrt wird",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-screen-turns-off": "... der Bildschirm in Standby geht",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume": "Lautstärke danach wiederherstellen",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume-delay-label": "Sekunden Verzögerung vor dem Stummschalten.",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.title": "Stummschalten ohne Lautstärkenwiederherstellung, wenn...",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-shuts-down": "... der Computer heruntegefahren wird",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-goes-to-sleep": "... der Computer in den Schlaf-/Ruhemodus geht",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-user-logs-out": "... sich der Benutzer abmeldet",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-rdp-session-starts": "... eine RDP Session erkannt wird",
    "settings.quiet-hours.intro": "Während der Ruhezeit schaltet WinMute alle Audiogeräte auf Stumm und stellt anschließend die Lautstärke wieder her.",
    "settings.quiet-hours.enable": "Ruhzeit aktivieren",
    "settings.quiet-hours.start-time-label": "Beginn:",
    "settings.quiet-hours.end-time-label": "Ende:",
    "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute": "Lautstärkewiederherstellung erzwingen",
    "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute-description": "Die Lautstärke wird von allen Audiogeräten wiederhergestellt, unabhängig davon ob diese vor der Ruhezeit stumm geschaltet waren, oder nicht.",
    "settings.quiet-hours.show-notifications": "Benachrichtigungen zur Ruhezeit anzeigen",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.title": "Fehlerhafter Zeitraum",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.text": "Beginn und Ende müssen unterschiedliche Zeiten sein.",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.title": "Fehler beim Speichern der Einstellungen",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.text": "Während dem Speichern der Ruhezeiteinstellungen trat ein Fehler auf",
    "settings.wifi.intro": "Das WLAN basiert Stummschalten ermöglicht es die PC-Lautstärke abhängig von dem Namen des verbundenen WLAN Netzwerks zu steuern.",
    "settings.wifi.enable": "Aktiviere WLAN-basiertes Stummschalten",
    "settings.wifi.mute-when-not-in-list": "Stummschalten, wenn das WLAN nicht in der Liste ist",
    "settings.wifi.wifi-disabled-info": "Info: WLAN ist auf diesem Gerät nicht verfügbar.\nEinige Optionen wurden deaktiviert.",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.add-title": "WLAN Netzwerk hinzufügen",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.edit-title": "WLAN Netzwerk bearbeiten",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.ssid-name-label": "SSID/WLAN-Name:",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "Bitte geben sie einen WLAN Netzwerknamen ein",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.title": "Audiogeräte verwalten",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.title": "Allgemein",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-only-listed": "Nur gespeicherte Audiogeräte stummschalten",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-all-but-listed": "Alle bis auf die gespeicherten Audiogeräte stummschalten",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.endpoints.title": "Audiogeräte",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.add-title": "Gerät hinzufügen",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.edit-title": "Gerät bearbeiten",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-placeholder": "Bitte ein Audiogerät angeben",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-label": "Audiogerät:",
    "about.title": "Über WinMute",
    "about.general.author-site-label": "Entwickler: www.lx-s.de",
    "about.general.project-site-label": "Projektseite && Code",
    "about.general.support-label": "Hilfe/Unterstützung",
    "about.general.description": "WinMute wird von Alexander Steinhöfer in seiner Freizeit entwickelt. Der Quelltext sowie neue Programmversionen können auf GitHub heruntergeladen werden. Beiträge in Form von Code, Tickets oder Featurewünsche werden gerne gesehen! Vielen Dank dass Sie dieses kleine Tool verwenden!",
    "about.tab.winmute": "WinMute",
    "about.tab.license": "Lizenz",
    "about.btn-close": "OK",
    "settings.wifi.mute-when-in-list": "Stummschalten, wenn das WLAN in der Liste ist",
    "settings.general.check-for-updates-on-start": "Bei Programmstart nach Updates suchen",
    "popup.update-available.text": "Die installierte Version ist {}.\nKlicken sie auf diese Nachricht zum Öffnen der Downloadseite.",
    "popup.update-available-beta.title": "WinMute Beta {} ist verfügbar!",
    "popup.update-available-beta.text": "Die installierte Version ist {}.\nKlicken sie auf diese Nachricht zum Öffnen der Beta-Downloadseite.",
    "settings.bluetooth.bluetooth-disabled-info": "Info: Bluetooth ist auf diesem Gerät nicht verfügbar.\nEinige Optionen wurden deaktiviert.",
    "popup.error.update-check-failed.title": "Updateprüfung fehlgeschlagen.",
    "popup.update-available.title": "WinMute {} ist verfügbar!",
    "pupup.error.update-check-failed.text": "Fehler beim Prüfen auf eine neue Version.\nBitte prüfen Sie die Protokolldateien.",
    "settings.general.check-for-beta-updates-on-start": "Auf Vorabversionen überprüfen",
    "settings.general.updates-handled-externally": "Optionen deaktiviert: Updates werden extern durchgeführt",
    "settings.general.help-translating": "Hilf beim Übersetzen"
  "meta.lang.name": "English",
  "meta.lang.mode": "ltr",
  "init.error.settings.title": "Failed to initialize settings",
  "init.error.settings.text": "Critical error while initializing WinMute",
  "init.error.already-running.title": "WinMute is already running",
  "init.error.already-running.text": "Please look for a winmutes application icon in the Windows taskbar notification area.",
  "init.error.winmute.title": "Failed to start WinMute.",
  "init.error.winmute.text": "WinMute encountered a critical error while initializing and must shut down.",
  "init.error.winmute.platform-support.title": "Only Windows Vista and newer is supported",
  "init.error.winmute.platform-support.text": "If Windows XP support is needed, please download WinMute version 1.4.2 or lower.",
  "general.error.winapi.text": "{} failed with error {}: {}",
  "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.title": "The audio service has been shut down.",
  "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.text": "WinMute is not able to recover from that condition.\nPlease try to restart the program.",
  "popup.update-available.title": "WinMute {} is available!",
  "popup.update-available.text": "The installed version is {}.\nClick on this message to open the download page.",
  "popup.update-available-beta.title": "WinMute Beta {} is available!",
  "popup.update-available-beta.text": "Your current version is {}.\nClick on this message to open the beta-download page.",
  "popup.error.update-check-failed.title": "Update check failed.",
  "pupup.error.update-check-failed.text": "Unable to check for a new version.\nPlease check/enable logging for further details.",
  "popup.remote-session-detected.title": "Remote Session detected",
  "popup.remote-session-detected.text": "All audio devices have been muted",
  "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.title": "Bluetooth muting disabled",
  "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.text": "Bluetooth is not available or disabled.\nBluetooth muting will be disabled on this computer.",
  "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.title": "WLAN muting disabled",
  "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.text": "WLAN is not available or disabled.\nWLAN muting will be disabled on this computer.",
  "popup.quiet-hours-started.title": "Quiet hours started",
  "popup.quiet-hours-started.text": "Computer audio will now be muted.",
  "popup.quiet-hours-ended.title": "Quiet Hours ended",
  "popup.quiet-hours-ended.text": "Computer audio has been restored.",
  "popup.workstation-muted.title": "Audio muted",
  "popup.wlan-not-on-mute-list.text": "WLAN network \"{}\" is not on allowed list.",
  "popup.wlan-is-on-mute-list.text": "WLAN network \"{}\" is configured for AutoMute.",
  "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.title": "Muting computer after delay",
  "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.text": "All devices have been muted",
  "popup.volume-restored.title": "Volume restored",
  "popup.volume-restored.text": "All devices have been restored to their previous configuration",
  "popup.muting-workstation.title": "Muting computer",
  "popup.muting-workstation.text": "All devices have been muted",
  "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.title": "Quiet Hours Start",
  "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.text": "Failed to register quiet hours start with windows timer system",
  "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.title": "Quiet Hours Stop",
  "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.text": "Failed to register end of quiet hours with windows timer system",
  "traymenu.info": "About",
  "traymenu.mute-when": "Mute when...",
  "traymenu.mute-on-lock": "... computer is locked",
  "traymenu.mute-on-screen-suspend": "... screen turns of",
  "traymenu.restore-volume": "Restore volume afterwards",
  "traymenu.mute-no-restore": "Mute on (no volume restore)...",
  "traymenu.mute-on-shutdown": "... shutdown",
  "traymenu.mute-on-sleep": "... sleep",
  "traymenu.mute-on-logout": "... logout",
  "traymenu.mute-all-devices": "Mute all devices",
  "traymenu.settings": "Settings...",
  "traymenu.exit": "Exit",
  "settings.title": "Settings",
  "settings.btn-save": "Save",
  "settings.btn-cancel": "Cancel",
  "settings.btn-add": "Add",
  "settings.btn-edit": "Edit",
  "settings.btn-remove": "Remove",
  "settings.btn-remove-all": "Remove all",
  "settings.tab.general": "General",
  "settings.tab.mute": "Mute",
  "settings.tab.quiet-hours": "Quiet Hours",
  "settings.tab.bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
  "settings.tab.wifi": "WLAN",
  "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.add-title": "Add Bluetooth device",
  "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.edit-title": "Edit Bluetooth device",
  "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.device-name-label": "Bluetooth device name:",
  "settings.general.run-on-startup": "Run WinMute when this user logs on",
  "settings.general.check-for-updates-on-start": "Check for new updates on startup",
  "settings.general.check-for-beta-updates-on-start": "Also check for new beta versions",
  "settings.general.updates-handled-externally": "Options disabled: Updates are handled externally",
  "settings.general.enable-logging": "Enable logging",
  "settings.general.btn-open-log-file": "Open log file...",
  "settings.general.select-language-label": "Language",
  "settings.general.help-translating": "Help translating",
  "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "Please enter a Bluetooth device name",
  "settings.bluetooth.description": "\"Bluetooth Muting\" allows disabling the audio if an audio-class bluetooth device is disconnected, and re-enables it if a device is reconnected to the computer.\n\nThis behaviour can be enabled for all bluetooth audio-devices or only for a specific set.",
  "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting": "Enable Bluetooth-based muting",
  "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting-filter": "Enable only for these devices:",
  "settings.bluetooth.bluetooth-disabled-info": "Note: Bluetooth is not available on this device.\nSome options have been disabled.",
  "settings.mute.general-title": "General",
  "settings.mute.show-mute-event-notifications": "Show mute event notifications",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints-individually": "Manage audio devices individually",
  "settings.mute.btn-manage-endpoints": "Manage devices...",
  "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.title": "Mute with volume restore, when...",
  "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-workstation-is-locked": "... the computer is locked",
  "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-screen-turns-off": "... the screen turns off",
  "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume": "Restore volume afterwards",
  "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume-delay-label": "seconds delay before muting.",
  "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.title": "Mute without volume restore, when...",
  "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-shuts-down": "... the computer shuts down",
  "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-goes-to-sleep": "... the computer goes into sleep/hibernate",
  "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-user-logs-out": "... the user logs out",
  "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-rdp-session-starts": "... WinMute is started within a RDP session",
  "settings.quiet-hours.intro": "During Quiet Hours WinMute automatically mutes the computers audio devices and unmutes them afterwards.",
  "settings.quiet-hours.enable": "Enable Quiet Hours",
  "settings.quiet-hours.start-time-label": "Start time:",
  "settings.quiet-hours.end-time-label": "End time:",
  "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute": "Force unmute",
  "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute-description": "If force unmute is enabled, WinMute will unmute the computers audio devices when quiet hours end and not take into account if they were already muted before quiet hours started.",
  "settings.quiet-hours.show-notifications": "Show Quiet Hours notifications",
  "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.title": "Invalid time range",
  "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.text": "Start and stop must not be the same time.",
  "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.title": "Failed to save quiet hours settings",
  "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.text": "Something went wrong while saving the settings",
  "settings.wifi.intro": "\"WLAN Mute\" mutes the computer based on the name of the connected wireless network.",
  "settings.wifi.enable": "Enable WLAN based muting",
  "settings.wifi.mute-when-in-list": "Mute if connected WLAN is in list",
  "settings.wifi.mute-when-not-in-list": "Mute if connected WLAN is not in list",
  "settings.wifi.wifi-disabled-info": "Note: WLAN is not available on this device.\nSome options have been disabled.",
  "settings.wifi.add-edit.add-title": "Add WiFi network",
  "settings.wifi.add-edit.edit-title": "Edit WiFi network",
  "settings.wifi.add-edit.ssid-name-label": "SSID/WiFi Name:",
  "settings.wifi.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "Please enter a SSID/WiFi name",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.title": "Manage audio devices",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.title": "General",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-only-listed": "Mute only listed devices",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-all-but-listed": "Mute all but listed devices",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.endpoints.title": "Devices",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.add-title": "Add Device",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.edit-title": "Edit Device",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-placeholder": "Please enter a device name",
  "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-label": "Device name:",
  "about.title": "About WinMute",
  "about.general.author-site-label": "Author: www.lx-s.de",
  "about.general.project-site-label": "Project Site && Code",
  "about.general.support-label": "Support",
  "about.general.description": "WinMute is developed by Alexander Steinhoefer his spare time. The code as well as new releases for this tool can be found on GitHub. Contributions in the form of code, tickets or feature requests are very welcome. Thanks for using this little tool!",
  "about.tab.winmute": "WinMute",
  "about.tab.license": "License",
  "about.btn-close": "OK"
    "meta.lang.name": "Español (Spanish)",
    "meta.lang.mode": "ltr",
    "init.error.settings.title": "No se pudo inicializar la configuración",
    "init.error.settings.text": "Error crítico al inicializar WinMute",
    "init.error.already-running.title": "WinMute ya se está ejecutando",
    "init.error.already-running.text": "Por favor busque el ícono de la aplicación WinMute en el área de notificación de la barra de tareas de Windows.",
    "init.error.winmute.title": "No se pudo iniciar WinMute.",
    "init.error.winmute.text": "WinMute encontró un error crítico durante la inicialización y debe cerrarse.",
    "init.error.winmute.platform-support.title": "Solo se soporta Windows Vista y versiones más recientes",
    "init.error.winmute.platform-support.text": "Si requiere soporte para Windows XP, por favor descargue WinMute 1.4.2 o inferior.",
    "general.error.winapi.text": "{} falló con error {}: {}",
    "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.title": "El servicio de audio ha sido terminado.",
    "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.text": "WinMute no puede recuperarse de esta condición.\nPor favor intente reiniciar el programa.",
    "popup.remote-session-detected.title": "Sesión remota detectada",
    "popup.remote-session-detected.text": "Se han silenciado todos los dispositivos de audio",
    "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.title": "Silenciamiento de Bluetooth deshabilitado",
    "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.text": "Bluetooth no está disponible o está deshabilitado.\nEl silenciamiento de Bluetooth será deshabilitado en esta computadora.",
    "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.title": "Silenciamiento de WiFi desactivado",
    "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.text": "WiFi no está disponible o está deactivado.\nEl silenciamiento de WiFi será deshabilitado en esta computadora.",
    "popup.quiet-hours-started.title": "Horas de silencio activadas",
    "popup.quiet-hours-started.text": "El audio de la computadora será silenciado ahora.",
    "popup.quiet-hours-ended.title": "Horas de silencio terminadas",
    "popup.quiet-hours-ended.text": "El audio de la computadora ha sido restaurado.",
    "popup.workstation-muted.title": "Audio silenciado",
    "popup.wlan-not-on-mute-list.text": "La red de WiFi \"{}\" no esta en la lista de redes permitidas.",
    "popup.wlan-is-on-mute-list.text": "La red WiFi \"{}\" está configurada para AutoMute.",
    "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.title": "Silenciando la computadora después de demora",
    "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.text": "Todos los dispositivos han sido silenciados",
    "popup.volume-restored.title": "Volumen restaurado",
    "popup.volume-restored.text": "Todos los dispositivos han sido restaurados a su configuración anterior",
    "popup.muting-workstation.title": "Silenciando computadora",
    "popup.muting-workstation.text": "Todos los dispositivos han sido silenciados",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.title": "Empezar Horas de Silencio",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.text": "Fallo al registrar el inicio de las horas de silencio con el sistema de temporizador de Windows",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.title": "Fin de las horas de silencio",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.text": "Fallo al registrar el final de las horas de silencio con el sistema de temporizador de Windows",
    "traymenu.info": "Acerca de",
    "traymenu.mute-when": "Silenciar cuando...",
    "traymenu.mute-on-lock": "... la computadora está bloqueada",
    "traymenu.mute-on-screen-suspend": "... se apaga la pantalla",
    "traymenu.restore-volume": "Restaurar el volumen después",
    "traymenu.mute-no-restore": "Silencio activado (no se restablece el volumen)...",
    "traymenu.mute-on-shutdown": "... apagado",
    "traymenu.mute-on-sleep": "... suspender",
    "traymenu.mute-on-logout": "... cerrar sesión",
    "traymenu.mute-all-devices": "Silenciar todos los dispositivos",
    "traymenu.settings": "Configuración...",
    "traymenu.exit": "Salir",
    "settings.title": "Configuración",
    "settings.btn-save": "Guardar",
    "settings.btn-cancel": "Cancelar",
    "settings.btn-add": "Añadir",
    "settings.btn-edit": "Editar",
    "settings.btn-remove": "Quitar",
    "settings.btn-remove-all": "Quitar todo",
    "settings.tab.general": "General",
    "settings.tab.mute": "Silencio",
    "settings.tab.quiet-hours": "Horas de silencio",
    "settings.tab.bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
    "settings.tab.wifi": "WLAN",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.add-title": "Añade un dispositivo Bluetooth",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.edit-title": "Editar dispositivo Bluetooth",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.device-name-label": "Nombre del dispositivo Bluetooth:",
    "settings.general.run-on-startup": "Ejecutar WinMute cuando este usuario se conecte",
    "settings.general.enable-logging": "Activar el registro",
    "settings.general.btn-open-log-file": "Abrir el archivo de registro...",
    "settings.general.select-language-label": "Idioma",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "Por favor, introduzca un nombre para el dispositivo Bluetooth",
    "settings.bluetooth.description": "\"Silenciar Bluetooth\" permite desactivar el audio si se desconecta un dispositivo bluetooth de clase audio, y volver a activarlo si se vuelve a conectar al ordenador.\n\nEste comportamiento se puede activar para todos los dispositivos de audio bluetooth o sólo para un conjunto específico.",
    "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting": "Activar el silenciamiento basado en Bluetooth",
    "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting-filter": "Activar sólo para estos dispositivos:",
    "settings.bluetooth-disabled-info": "",
    "settings.mute.general-title": "General",
    "settings.mute.show-mute-event-notifications": "Mostrar notificaciones de eventos silenciados",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints-individually": "Gestiona individualmente los dispositivos de audio",
    "settings.mute.btn-manage-endpoints": "Gestiona los dispositivos...",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.title": "Silencio con restauración del volumen, cuando...",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-workstation-is-locked": "... el ordenador está bloqueado",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-screen-turns-off": "... la pantalla se apaga",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume": "Restaurar el volumen después",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume-delay-label": "segundos de retardo antes de silenciar.",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.title": "Silenciar sin restaurar el volumen, cuando...",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-shuts-down": "... el ordenador se apaga",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-goes-to-sleep": "... el ordenador entra en reposo/hibernación",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-user-logs-out": "... el usuario se desconecta",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-rdp-session-starts": "... WinMute se inicia dentro de una sesión RDP",
    "settings.quiet-hours.intro": "Durante las horas de silencio, WinMute silencia automáticamente los dispositivos de audio del ordenador y los vuelve a silenciar después.",
    "settings.quiet-hours.enable": "Activar las horas de silencio",
    "settings.quiet-hours.start-time-label": "Hora de inicio:",
    "settings.quiet-hours.end-time-label": "Hora de finalización:",
    "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute": "Forzar el silencio",
    "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute-description": "Si la opción de forzar el silencio está activada, WinMute anulará el silencio de los dispositivos de audio del ordenador cuando finalicen las horas de silencio y no tendrá en cuenta si ya estaban silenciados antes de que comenzaran las horas de silencio.",
    "settings.quiet-hours.show-notifications": "Mostrar notificaciones de horas de silencio",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.title": "Intervalo de tiempo no válido",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.text": "El inicio y el final deben ser tiempos diferentes.",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.title": "No se ha podido guardar la configuración de las horas de silencio",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.text": "Algo ha ido mal al guardar la configuración",
    "settings.wifi.intro": "\"WLAN Mute\" silencia la computadora según el nombre de la red inalámbrica conectada.",
    "settings.wifi.enable": "Habilitar el silenciamiento basado en WLAN",
    "settings.wifi.mute-when-in-list": "Silenciar si la WLAN conectada está en la lista",
    "settings.wifi.mute-when-not-in-list": "Silenciar si la WLAN conectada no está en la lista",
    "settings.wifi.wifi-disabled-info": "Nota: WLAN no está disponible en este dispositivo.\nAlgunas opciones han sido deshabilitadas.",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.add-title": "Añadir red WiFi",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.edit-title": "Editar red WiFi",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.ssid-name-label": "Nombre SSID/WiFi:",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "Por favor proporcione un nombre de SSID/WiFi",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.title": "Administrar dispositivos de audio",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.title": "General",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-only-listed": "Silenciar solo los dispositivos listados",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-all-but-listed": "Silenciar todo excepto los dispositivos listados",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.endpoints.title": "Dispositivos",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.add-title": "Añadir dispositivo",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.edit-title": "Editar dispositivo",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-placeholder": "Por favor proporcione un nombre de dispositivo",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-label": "Nombre de dispositivo:",
    "about.title": "Acerca de WinMute",
    "about.general.author-site-label": "Autor: www.lx-s.de",
    "about.general.project-site-label": "Sitio del proyecto && Código",
    "about.general.support-label": "Soporte",
    "about.general.description": "WinMute es desarrollado por Alexander Steinhoefer en su tiempo libre. El código, así como los nuevos lanzamientos de esta herramienta, pueden encontrarse en Github. Las contribuciones en forma de código, tickets o solicitudes de características son muy bienvenidas. Gracias por usar esta pequeña herramienta!",
    "about.tab.winmute": "WinMute",
    "about.tab.license": "Licencia",
    "about.btn-close": "OK",
    "popup.update-available.text": "La versión instalada es {}.\nHaga clic en este mensaje para abrir la página de descarga.",
    "popup.update-available-beta.title": "¡WinMute Beta {} ya está disponible!",
    "settings.general.check-for-updates-on-start": "Buscar nuevas actualizaciones al iniciar",
    "popup.update-available-beta.text": "Tu versión actual es {}.\nHaga clic en este mensaje para abrir la página de descarga de la versión beta.",
    "settings.bluetooth.bluetooth-disabled-info": "Nota: el bluetooth no está disponible en este dispositivo.\nAlgunas opciones se han desactivado.",
    "popup.error.update-check-failed.title": "Error en la comprobación de la actualización.",
    "settings.general.updates-handled-externally": "Opciones desactivadas: Las actualizaciones se gestionan externamente",
    "popup.update-available.title": "¡WinMute {} está disponible!",
    "pupup.error.update-check-failed.text": "No se ha podido comprobar si hay una nueva versión.\nPor favor compruebe/habilite el registro para obtener más detalles.",
    "settings.general.check-for-beta-updates-on-start": "Compruebe también si hay nuevas versiones beta",
    "settings.general.help-translating": "Ayuda a la traducción"
    "meta.lang.name": "Italiano (Italian)",
    "meta.lang.mode": "ltr",
    "init.error.settings.title": "Impossibile inizializzare le impostazioni",
    "init.error.settings.text": "Errore critico durante l'inizializzazione di WinMute",
    "init.error.already-running.title": "WinMute è già in esecuzione",
    "init.error.already-running.text": "Cerca l'icona dell'applicazione WinMutes nell'area di notifica della barra delle applicazioni di Windows.",
    "init.error.winmute.title": "Impossibile avviare WinMute.",
    "init.error.winmute.text": "WinMute durante l'inizializzazione ha riscontrato un errore critico ed è necessario chiudere l'applicazione.",
    "init.error.winmute.platform-support.title": "È supportato solo Windows Vista e versioni successive",
    "init.error.winmute.platform-support.text": "Se hai bisogno del supporto per Windows XP, scarica WinMute versione 1.4.2 o precedente.",
    "general.error.winapi.text": "{} non riuscito con errore {}: {}",
    "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.title": "Il servizio audio è stato chiuso.",
    "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.text": "WinMute non è in grado di recuperare da tale condizione.\nProva a riavviare il programma.",
    "popup.remote-session-detected.title": "Rilevata sessione remota",
    "popup.remote-session-detected.text": "Tutti i dispositivi audio sono stati disattivati",
    "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.title": "Disabilitazione audio Bluetooth disattivata",
    "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.text": "Il Bluetooth non è disponibile o è disabilitato.\nIn questo computer la disabilitazione dell'audio Bluetooth verrà disattivata.",
    "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.title": "Disabilitazione audio WLAN disattivata",
    "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.text": "La WLAN non è disponibile o è disabilitata. \nIn questo computer la disabilitazione dell'audio WLAN verrà disattivata.",
    "popup.quiet-hours-started.title": "Cominciano le ore tranquille",
    "popup.quiet-hours-started.text": "L'audio del computer verrà ora disattivato.",
    "popup.quiet-hours-ended.title": "Ore tranquille terminate",
    "popup.quiet-hours-ended.text": "L'audio del computer è stato riattivato.",
    "popup.workstation-muted.title": "Audio computer OFF",
    "popup.wlan-not-on-mute-list.text": "La rete WLAN \"{}\" non è nell'elenco consentito.",
    "popup.wlan-is-on-mute-list.text": "La rete WLAN \"{}\" è configurata per la disabilitazione audio automatica.",
    "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.title": "Ritardo disattivazione audio computer",
    "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.text": "Tutti i dispositivi audio sono stati disattivati",
    "popup.volume-restored.title": "Volume ripristinato",
    "popup.volume-restored.text": "Tutti i dispositivi audio sono stati ripristinati alla loro configurazione precedente",
    "popup.muting-workstation.title": "Audio OFF computer",
    "popup.muting-workstation.text": "Tutti i dispositivi audio sono stati disattivati",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.title": "Avvio ore tranquille",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.text": "Impossibile registrare l'inizio delle ore di silenzio con il timer di sistema di Windows",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.title": "Fine ore silenzio",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.text": "Impossibile registrare la fine delle ore di silenzio con il timer di sistema di Windows",
    "traymenu.info": "Info programma",
    "traymenu.mute-when": "Audio OFF quando...",
    "traymenu.mute-on-lock": "... il computer viene bloccato",
    "traymenu.mute-on-screen-suspend": "... lo schermo viene spento",
    "traymenu.restore-volume": "Ripristina il volume in seguito",
    "traymenu.mute-no-restore": "Disattiva audio (nessun ripristino volume) quando...",
    "traymenu.mute-on-shutdown": "... il computer viene spento",
    "traymenu.mute-on-sleep": "... il computer va in sospensione",
    "traymenu.mute-on-logout": "... l'utente si scollega",
    "traymenu.mute-all-devices": "Disattiva audio per tutti i dispositivi",
    "traymenu.settings": "Impostazioni...",
    "traymenu.exit": "Esci",
    "settings.title": "Impostazioni",
    "settings.btn-save": "Salva",
    "settings.btn-cancel": "Annulla",
    "settings.btn-add": "Aggiungi",
    "settings.btn-edit": "Modifica",
    "settings.btn-remove": "Rimuovi",
    "settings.btn-remove-all": "Rimuovi tutto",
    "settings.tab.general": "Generale",
    "settings.tab.mute": "Disattiva audio",
    "settings.tab.quiet-hours": "Ore silenzio",
    "settings.tab.bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
    "settings.tab.wifi": "WLAN",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.add-title": "Aggiungi dispositivo Bluetooth",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.edit-title": "Modifica dispositivo Bluetooth",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.device-name-label": "Nome dispositivo Bluetooth:",
    "settings.general.run-on-startup": "Esegui WinMute all'accesso dell'utente",
    "settings.general.enable-logging": "Abilita registrazione eventi",
    "settings.general.btn-open-log-file": "Apri file registro eventi...",
    "settings.general.select-language-label": "Lingua",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "Inserisci il nome di un dispositivo Bluetooth",
    "settings.bluetooth.description": "\"Audio OFF Bluetooth\" consente di disattivare l'audio se un dispositivo Bluetooth di classe audio viene disconnesso e di riattivare l'audio se un dispositivo Bluetooth viene ricollegato al computer.\n\nPuoi abilitare questo comportamento per tutti i dispositivi audio Bluetooth o solo per un set specifico di dispositivi.",
    "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting": "Abilita disabilitazione audio basata su hardware Bluetooth",
    "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting-filter": "Abilita solo per questi dispositivi:",
    "settings.bluetooth.bluetooth-disabled-info": "Nota: il Bluetooth non è disponibile nel dispositivo, quindi alcune opzioni sono state disabilitate.",
    "settings.mute.general-title": "Generale",
    "settings.mute.show-mute-event-notifications": "Visualizza notifiche eventi disattivazione",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints-individually": "Gestisci i dispositivi audio individualmente",
    "settings.mute.btn-manage-endpoints": "Gestisci dispositivi audio...",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.title": "Disattiva audio con ripristino del volume, quando...",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-workstation-is-locked": "... il computer viene bloccato",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-screen-turns-off": "... lo schermo viene spento",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume": "Ripristina il volume in seguito",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume-delay-label": "secondi di ritardo prima della disattivazione dell'audio.",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.title": "Disattiva l'audio senza ripristinare il volume, quando...",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-shuts-down": "... il computer viene spento",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-goes-to-sleep": "... il computer entra in modalità sospensione/ibernazione",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-user-logs-out": "... l'utente si scollega",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-rdp-session-starts": "... WinMute è avviato all'interno di una sessione RDP",
    "settings.quiet-hours.intro": "Durante le ore di silenzio WinMute disattiva automaticamente i dispositivi audio del computer e li riattiverà successivamente.",
    "settings.quiet-hours.enable": "Abilita ore di silenzio",
    "settings.quiet-hours.start-time-label": "Orario inizio:",
    "settings.quiet-hours.end-time-label": "Orario fine:",
    "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute": "Forza audio ON",
    "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute-description": "Se è attivato 'Forza audio ON', WinMute riattiverà i dispositivi audio durante le ore di silenzio e non prenderà in considerazione se erano già disattivati prima dell'inizio delle ore di silenzio.",
    "settings.quiet-hours.show-notifications": "Visualizza notifiche ore di silenzio",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.title": "Intervallo temporale non valido",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.text": "Non è possibile avviare e arrestare allo stesso orario.\nCorreggi l'intervallo di tempo.",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.title": "Impossibile salvare le impostazioni delle ore di silenzio",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.text": "Si è verificato un errore durante il salvataggio delle impostazioni",
    "settings.wifi.intro": "'Audio OFF in base a nome rete WLAN' consente di disattivare l'audio del computer in base al nome della rete wireless connessa.",
    "settings.wifi.enable": "Abilita disabilitazione audio basata su nome rete WLAN",
    "settings.wifi.mute-when-not-in-list": "Disattiva audio se la rete WLAN NON è in elenco",
    "settings.wifi.wifi-disabled-info": "Nota: la WLAN non è disponibile nel dispositivo, quindi alcune opzioni sono state disabilitate.",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.add-title": "Aggiungi rete WiFi",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.edit-title": "Modifica rete WiFi",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.ssid-name-label": "Nome SSID/WiFi:",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "Inserisci un nome SSID/WiFi",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.title": "Gestisci dispositivi audio",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.title": "Generale",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-only-listed": "Disattiva solo i dispositivi audio elencati",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-all-but-listed": "Disattiva tutti i dispositivi audio tranne quelli elencati",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.endpoints.title": "Dispositivi audio",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.add-title": "Aggiungi dispositivi audio",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.edit-title": "Modifica dispositivi audio",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-placeholder": "Inserisci un nome per il dispositivo audio",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-label": "Nome dispositivo audio:",
    "about.title": "Info su WinMute",
    "about.general.author-site-label": "Autore: www.lx-s.de",
    "about.general.project-site-label": "Sito e codice del progetto",
    "about.general.support-label": "Supporto",
    "about.general.description": "WinMute è sviluppato da Alexander Steinhoefer nel suo tempo libero.\nIl codice e le nuove versioni di questo strumento sono disponibili su GitHub.\nI contributi sotto forma di codice, ticket o richieste di funzionalità sono molto graditi.\nGrazie per l'uso di questo piccolo strumento!",
    "about.tab.winmute": "WinMute",
    "about.tab.license": "Licenza",
    "about.btn-close": "OK",
    "settings.wifi.mute-when-in-list": "Disattiva audio se la rete WLAN è in elenco",
    "popup.update-available.text": "La versione installata è {}.\nFai clic su questo messaggio per aprire la pagina di download.",
    "popup.update-available-beta.title": "È disponibile WinMute Beta {}!",
    "settings.general.check-for-updates-on-start": "All'avvio verifica la presenza di nuovi aggiornamenti",
    "popup.update-available-beta.text": "La versione attuale è {}.\nFai clic su questo messaggio per aprire la pagina di download della versione beta.",
    "popup.error.update-check-failed.title": "Controllo aggiornamenti non riuscito.",
    "popup.update-available.title": "È disponibile WinMute {}!",
    "pupup.error.update-check-failed.text": "Impossibile verificare la disponibilità di una nuova versione.\nPer ulteriori dettagli controlla/abilita la registrazione eventi.",
    "settings.general.check-for-beta-updates-on-start": "Controlla anche disponibilità nuove versioni beta",
    "settings.general.help-translating": "Aiuta nella traduzione",
    "settings.general.updates-handled-externally": "Opzioni disabilitate: aggiornamenti gestiti esternamente"
    "meta.lang.name": "Nederlands (Dutch)",
    "meta.lang.mode": "ltr",
    "init.error.settings.title": "De instellingen kunnen niet worden geladen",
    "init.error.settings.text": "Er is een kritieke fout opgetreden tijdens het starten",
    "init.error.already-running.title": "WinMute is al actief",
    "init.error.already-running.text": "Zoek naar het WinMute-pictogram in het systeemvak van de Windows-taakbalk.",
    "init.error.winmute.title": "WinMute kan niet worden gestart.",
    "init.error.winmute.text": "Er is een kritieke fout opgetreden waardoor WinMute dient te worden afgesloten.",
    "init.error.winmute.platform-support.title": "Windows Vista of nieuwer vereist",
    "init.error.winmute.platform-support.text": "Als u Windows XP-ondersteuning wilt, download dan WinMute 1.4.2 of ouder.",
    "general.error.winapi.text": "{} mislukt met foutmelding {}: {}",
    "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.title": "De audiodienst is afgesloten.",
    "general.error.audio-service-shutdown.text": "WinMute kan niet worden hersteld.\nHerstart het programma.",
    "popup.remote-session-detected.title": "Externe sessie aangetroffen",
    "popup.remote-session-detected.text": "Alle audio-eindpunten zijn gedempt",
    "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.title": "Bluetoothdemping is uitgeschakeld",
    "popup.bluetooth-muting-disabled.text": "Bluetooth is uitgeschakeld of niet beschikbaar.\nBluetoothdemping wordt daarom uitgeschakeld.",
    "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.title": "WLAN-demping is uitgeschakeld",
    "popup.wlan-muting-disabled.text": "",
    "popup.quiet-hours-started.title": "",
    "popup.quiet-hours-started.text": "",
    "popup.quiet-hours-ended.title": "",
    "popup.quiet-hours-ended.text": "",
    "popup.workstation-muted.title": "",
    "popup.wlan-not-on-mute-list.text": "",
    "popup.wlan-is-on-mute-list.text": "",
    "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.title": "",
    "popup.muting-workstation-after-delay.text": "",
    "popup.volume-restored.title": "",
    "popup.volume-restored.text": "",
    "popup.muting-workstation.title": "",
    "popup.muting-workstation.text": "",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.title": "",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-start.text": "",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.title": "",
    "popup.error.quiet-hours-stop.text": "",
    "traymenu.info": "",
    "traymenu.mute-when": "",
    "traymenu.mute-on-lock": "",
    "traymenu.mute-on-screen-suspend": "",
    "traymenu.restore-volume": "",
    "traymenu.mute-no-restore": "",
    "traymenu.mute-on-shutdown": "",
    "traymenu.mute-on-sleep": "",
    "traymenu.mute-on-logout": "",
    "traymenu.mute-all-devices": "",
    "traymenu.settings": "",
    "traymenu.exit": "",
    "settings.title": "",
    "settings.btn-save": "",
    "settings.btn-cancel": "",
    "settings.btn-add": "",
    "settings.btn-edit": "",
    "settings.btn-remove": "",
    "settings.btn-remove-all": "",
    "settings.tab.general": "",
    "settings.tab.mute": "",
    "settings.tab.quiet-hours": "",
    "settings.tab.bluetooth": "",
    "settings.tab.wifi": "",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.add-title": "",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.edit-title": "",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.device-name-label": "",
    "settings.general.run-on-startup": "",
    "settings.general.enable-logging": "",
    "settings.general.btn-open-log-file": "",
    "settings.general.select-language-label": "",
    "settings.bluetooth.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "",
    "settings.bluetooth.description": "",
    "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting": "",
    "settings.bluetooth.enable-muting-filter": "",
    "settings.bluetooth.bluetooth-disabled-info": "",
    "settings.mute.general-title": "",
    "settings.mute.show-mute-event-notifications": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints-individually": "",
    "settings.mute.btn-manage-endpoints": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.title": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-workstation-is-locked": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.when-screen-turns-off": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-with-restore.restore-volume-delay-label": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.title": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-shuts-down": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-computer-goes-to-sleep": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-user-logs-out": "",
    "settings.mute.mute-without-restore.when-rdp-session-starts": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.intro": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.enable": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.start-time-label": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.end-time-label": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.force-unmute-description": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.show-notifications": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.title": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.invalid-time-range.text": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.title": "",
    "settings.quiet-hours.error.error-while-saving.text": "",
    "settings.wifi.intro": "",
    "settings.wifi.enable": "",
    "settings.wifi.mute-when-not-in-list": "",
    "settings.wifi.wifi-disabled-info": "",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.add-title": "",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.edit-title": "",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.ssid-name-label": "",
    "settings.wifi.add-edit.enter-device-name-placeholder": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.title": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.title": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-only-listed": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.list-behaviour.mute-all-but-listed": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.endpoints.title": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.add-title": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.edit-title": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-placeholder": "",
    "settings.mute.manage-endpoints.add-edit.endpoint-name-label": "",
    "about.title": "",
    "about.general.author-site-label": "",
    "about.general.project-site-label": "",
    "about.general.support-label": "",
    "about.general.description": "",
    "about.tab.winmute": "",
    "about.tab.license": "",
    "about.btn-close": ""

Log in or click on link to see number of positives.

In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).

Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.

Add to Builder Version Downloads Last Updated Status
WinMute 37 Monday, February 26, 2024 Approved
WinMute 66 Friday, September 29, 2023 Approved
WinMute 35 Friday, September 22, 2023 Approved
WinMute 66 Thursday, July 27, 2023 Approved
WinMute 68 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Approved
WinMute 82 Monday, November 28, 2022 Approved
WinMute 75 Saturday, August 27, 2022 Approved
WinMute 39 Thursday, August 25, 2022 Approved
WinMute 62 Wednesday, August 3, 2022 Approved
WinMute 42 Tuesday, August 2, 2022 Approved
WinMute 40 Monday, August 1, 2022 Approved
WinMute 910 Thursday, August 11, 2016 Approved
WinMute 798 Thursday, July 17, 2014 Approved
WinMute 474 Thursday, July 17, 2014 Approved
WinMute 443 Friday, July 11, 2014 Approved

Discussion for the WinMute Package

Ground Rules:

  • This discussion is only about WinMute and the WinMute package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
  • This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
  • The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
  • Tell us what you love about the package or WinMute, or tell us what needs improvement.
  • Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
  • If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.
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